For over 65 years, Lake Country Playhouse has been a vibrant hub for the performing arts -
A place where stories come to life, artists and audiences connect, and arts education thrives.
And we couldn’t do it without YOU!
Be part of this exciting new chapter at Lake Country Playhouse by contributing at one of the following levels:
Standing Ovation To You! Your Contribution Fuels Our Future.
Producer | $10,000+
One-Time or 12 Monthly Gift(s)
Name listed in program & on website
VIP card for free concessions
Invitation to Red Carpet nights
Name on celebratory plaque
Director | $5,000+
One-Time or 12 Monthly Gift(s)
Name listed in program & on website
VIP card for free concessions
Invitation to Red Carpet nights
Name on celebratory plaque
Leading Actor | $2,500+
One-Time or 12 Monthly Gift(s)
Name listed in program & on website
VIP card for free concessions
Invitation to Red Carpet nights
Supporting Actor | $2,000
One-Time or 12 Monthly Gift(s)
Name listed in program & on website
Four complimentary concessions tickets
Invitation to Red Carpet nights
Stage Manager | $1,000
One-Time or 12 Monthly Gift(s)
Name listed in program & on website
Two complimentary concessions tickets
Invitation to Red Carpet nights
Take a Seat | $500
One-Time Gift (First 50 Sponsors - $400)
Special commemorative plaque with your name added to a seat(s) in our signature performance space (Reserved for 5 years with first right of refusal)
Front & Center | $250+
One-Time or 12 Monthly Gift(s)
Name listed in program & on website
Curtain Call | $75+
One-Time or 12 Monthly Gift(s)
Name listed on website
Together, we can raise the curtain on a future where creativity and community take center stage!
Every gift, big or small, makes a difference.